A blockchain wallet can be regarded as an account that manages encrypted assets. Creating a wallet means creating an account that manages assets in the blockchain world. The creation of a blockchain account is a complex process, but CoinEx Wallet can simplify these processes and help you quickly create a multi-crypto wallet.
Step 1: After installing CoinEx Wallet, the following interface will appear for the first time opening, tap "Create Wallet".
Step 2: Set your security password, agree to the user agreement, then tap "Next" to proceed. It is recommended to use a combination of 6 to 32 English letters and numbers for the security password.
Note: The security password is to unlock the App and transactions, please keep it safe!
Step 3: Tap "Backup" after you have learned and ticked each security tip.
Step 4: Write down the mnemonic words in the order of 1 to 12, and tap "I've backed up" to verify. Choose "Switch" if you need to change a set of mnemonics.
Step 5: Select words corresponding to the serial number as required, and tap "Verify".
Step 6: Wallet created successfully!