Polkadot is a truly sharded multi-chain framework that enables secure cross-chain communication. It consists of a Relay Chain and multiple Parachains. Optimized for specific use cases, each parachain processes different types of transactions and smart contracts, and can also communicate across chains. The native token of Polkadot is DOT.
● Each account must hold a minimum balance of 1 DOT
To protect the network and user accounts from malicious attacks, Polkadot requires that all accounts must maintain a minimum balance of 1 DOT. Any transaction that would cause the balance to fall below the minimum (known as the existential deposit) will be unsuccessful.
Please keep your account credentials safe in case of asset loss and account reaping. Reaped accounts will be deactivated along with a nonce reset (Note: The nonce helps prevent double-spending and guarantee proper transaction order). If a Polkadot account is reaped, the holder should contact Polkadot team to reactivate it.